How to FINALLY lose weight for GOOD…even when you are busy!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes, 13 seconds.

I have been working in the health and fitness industry for over 13 years now, coaching people in different parts of the world to achieve their weight loss and health goals. I have trained individuals and groups through exercise and helped many with their nutrition and lifestyle habits to enhance both their personal and work lives.

What I began to realise over the years, was that those who were able to implement simple healthy habits into their lifestyle, especially with their nutrition, were not only able to achieve the best weight loss results but they were able to continue these habits long term.

Where it often goes wrong

I also noticed a pattern of behaviour that many people go through, who are either just beginning to make changes to their health or those who are having another swing at it.

The pattern often begins with exercise, trying to squeeze in an exhaustive regime of exercising as much as possible, into what is normally an already busy life schedule. This is often partnered with, especially if weight loss is the goal, a strict diet that feels pretty much like starving yourself. Which as you can imagine, for most people, with busy and sometimes stressful lives, is just not sustainable long term.

So…the stress increases, motivation and energy levels fade and weight loss stalls to a point that often leads to quitting and starting the whole frustrating cycle again at a later date.

Wait a minute…Does that remind you of a certain quote? 

I would like to note, that this is often not to the fault of the individual, as this unrealistic method is pushed largely in the media and by many transformation challenges and quick fix diet programs as the best weight loss strategy.

A more realistic approach

So, I decided to create a more REALISTIC weight loss system that was firstly, more effective for weight loss, which is to FOCUS ON NUTRITION.

Of course, exercise does have numerous benefits, but in my experience…

“if the goal is weight loss, it is much easier to control your nutrition though healthy eating habits, than relying on getting hours of exercise into your busy week.”

I also wanted it to be a time saving and life-proof strategy. Most of us often lead unpredictable and stressful lives, so it is important to create a system that can easily fit into your daily routine even when you are busy. There is no point in trying to give you a strict diet or meal plan and tell you to rearrange your life to it.

“So instead I use a simple habit-based approach.”

The focus is on building small healthy eating habits into your daily life, with the goal of becoming consistent with these habits no matter what life throws at you. Which in turn will lead to sustainable behaviours and successful weight loss.

To allow people to get the most out of this life-proof weight loss system, I have also created a 12-week online program called “The Nutrition Ninja Academy”.

perth-nutrition-coach-ninja-balanceHere you can learn and practice this WEIGHT LOSS SYSTEM. I will help implement these habits into your own personal lifestyle and under my guidance and coaching you can FINALLY achieve your weight loss goal and acquire life-long skills and habits.

A better relationship with food

Now I have chosen this system because I’m also a real person with a busy life. Even though I work in the health industry, I’m not an athlete or fitness fanatic, I prefer the realistic approach of being healthy and happy.

I LOVE FOOD and my passion is to help more people create a better relationship with their food, because there can be a lot of negativity. Food should be enjoyed for the nutrient content but also because it can be fun and delicious.

I want to help other busy people, by making weight loss and healthy eating simple, so it can fit into your busy lives and still give you amazing benefits such as boosting your energy and productivity.

Just to make it clear, I’m not here to “tell you off” for that takeaway binge you had at the weekend, the family size chocolate bar you ate last night or even to tell you which foods you need to stop eating because they have ‘X’ amount of calories or sugar.

Let’s be realistic, most of you know which foods are the better choice. I’ll be the first one to put my hand up and admit I have a real “sweet tooth.” If you gave me the choice between a freshly prepared kale salad or a bowl of salted caramel ice cream, well, sure I can tell you which one is full of essential nutrients, has less calories and the one my body would love to use. But who cares, I’m going to go for the deliciously tasty, salted caramel ice cream every time…and probably go back for seconds!

How to create simple healthy habits today and forever!

So instead, let me be your own realistic personal coach and guide as I teach you how to make weight loss simple for busy people…

In each of my following BLOG POSTS, I will teach you a healthy habit or skill from my life-proof weight loss system, that you can use right away today, but also forever!

Wherever you are choosing to read this, whether it’s at home, commuting to work or just having some time to yourself, you will be doing your best to fit it into your busy life – and that’s exactly what I want to help you do, with your eating and healthy habits.

This habit building BLOG series can be a step by step guide to help you create long-term, healthy eating habits and skills for weight loss that will give you both a healthier body and mind.

Look out for the next article where I will jump straight into teaching you a simple healthy habit that you can apply right away, so you don’t have to wait for Monday to start!

I will cover the essential topics for creating healthy eating habits that last. From having the right mindset, to how to eat for your body and your weight loss goals, as well as tips on how to build those sustainable healthy habits into your busy lifestyle without causing extra stress.

I hope you enjoy this series and can follow and use these habits, to start making positive steps towards a healthier you!

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me OR send me a message on Facebook or Instagram @perthnutritioncoach